To our valued customers,
We are extremely sorry to let you know we have been notified about unusual delays in delivery for customers living in New Zealand and Australia who ordered a calming pet bed.
At this time, we have stopped selling our products until we can re-open dedicated lines.
Please note, at the time of dispatch, these delays were not apparent to us, and we have been receiving efficient delivery around both NZ and Australia, even with COVID-19 implications in full swing. However, it seems COVID has caught up in places overseas which has seen a rise in social distancing measures taken in places like sorting centres. This saw parcels which normally would pass through these centres in 1-3 days, take up to 10 days to be released.
We are truly sorry about this as this was totally unknown to us and we wish there was more we could do, however unfortunately we have no way of recalling the items or changing the way they have been sent.
The good news is your item has been shipped, and are on their way to New Zealand. We have been advised to expect a delay of up to 1-2 weeks across these parcels.
Please also note, this hasn’t come about due to The Brooklyn choosing poor shipping lines. Although your item comes with ‘free shipping’ we do cover this cost ourselves, which has skyrocketed of recent date. Even with premium shipping prices paid on your behalf, these parcels have still been delayed. We really really truly wish there was more we could do. This is not the experience past shoppers of The Brooklyn have experienced, which is why we have halted trading until things resume normally.
Of course none of this is your fault either, and I want to leave you rest assured, your order is STILL COMING and WILL be delivered, the delivery time has just been delayed.
Thank you SO much for your patience and kindness you’ve shown towards our team. We are in daily talks with the logistic firms to get this resolved as quickly as possible.
Kind Regards,
The Brooklyn