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Why Cleaning Your Dogs Teeth is Important

Why Cleaning Your Dogs Teeth is Important

Are you ready to savour those sloppy pup kisses? Then it's time to get brushing!

There’s nothing more loveable than seeing your dog’s cheesy grin staring right back at you- but that smile needs love from us too. This involves regular at home care and a yearly trip to the dentist, yes…everyone’s favourite! Although the dentist can be feared in the doggy world too, maintaining optimal oral hygiene is essential in your pups long term health and happiness.

In this blog, we’ll uncover common myths around doggy dental care and advice on how to keep your pup’s oral hygiene top notch. So when the Christmas family photo comes around, your pup will have the brightest smile.

1. Why Dog Teeth Cleaning Is Essential

So why should we care about our pup’s pearly whites? Well, it’s not just a case of fresh breath and a sparkling smile (although that would help with the licks and kisses), it impacts your pups overall health and wellbeing. And our top priority? Keeping them pain free!

Dental cleaning prevents bad breath, tooth loss, oral pain and worsening dental disease. Plus, it saves money in the long run. Dogs are pros at hiding signs of dental discomfort, so regular cleaning helps to catch any issues early on.

Trust us, it’s worth the fuss!

2. Recognising Signs Of Dental Problems In Dogs

While dogs can’t tell us when they are in pain from toothache and need a little extra TLC, there are common signs to watch out for. Regularly checking your dog’s mouth and being vigilant for these signs can help catch these problems early on and prevent further complications.

Signs of dental neglect can include:

  • Bad breath
  • Excessive drooling
  • Plaque or tartar build up
  • Reddening or inflamed gums
  • A yellow brown crust along the gums
  • Calculus extending down
  • Gum recession
  • Bone loss
  • Pocket forming

If you happen to spot any of these red flags, it’s time to show those teeth some love.

3. Professional Cleaning vs At-Home Care

There are two options for keeping your pup's teeth healthy and clean…professional cleaning and at home care.

At home care is part of your daily routine and involves regularly brushing your dog’s teeth, checking for any sign of infection. Brushing your dog’s teeth with specific doggy toothbrushes and toothpaste can help prevent common dental issues. We recommend starting this practice from a young age and making this regular routine check up something your pup gets used to. It’s like having your morning coffee- you’ve just gotta do it!

Paying attention to what goes into your dog’s food bowl is another way of staying on top of their dental hygiene. Foods that engage their jaw and take a longer time to eat are typically better for your pup. Foods such as raw, meaty bones and vegetables such as carrots and celery are great for your dog's dental health. We recommend avoiding foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates, as this can lead to plaque build up.

You can also give your pup approved dental chews and toys at home to help remove plaque from their teeth. However, avoid hard toys and chews as they can fracture teeth, which can later turn into infection. Regardless of the types of toys you give your pup, they should be supervised chewing at all times, and any smaller pieces that break off should be taken away to avoid choking.

Depending on your pet’s size, we recommend visiting professionals around once a year. Smaller pups may be advised to visit twice a year, however your veteran will recommend the appropriate cleaning schedule for your pet after their first visit.

If you notice your puppy's teeth looking a little less fabulous then usual, a bonus trip to the dentist is highly recommended.

4. Common Dental Problems In Dogs and Their Solutions

From tartar build up, to tooth decay, doggy dental problems are extremely common worldwide. Around 80% of dogs experience early stages of dental disease before the age of three, periodontal disease being the most common. This infection has the potential to spread to your pup’s bloodstream, where it can be transported to major organs. It may also cause tooth loss and other infections.

However, with proper check ups this can be prevented. Periodontal disease can also be treated with professional cleaning above and below the gumline.

5. Preventative Measures and Regular Check-Ups

So, why is preventative care so important?

Regular veterinary check ups allow for early detection of any potential dental issues, by examining any signs of gum disease or other issues that need attention. As well as regular professional check ups, it doesn't hurt to examine your dog’s teeth at home and check for any loose or broken teeth, as well as swelling or discolouration around the gums.

As a part of their daily routine, try to incorporate teeth brushing with a toothpaste and toothbrush specifically made for dogs. Using a plaque preventative product, (this can be recommended by your vet specifically for your dog) can help to remove the buildup of tartar on the teeth and keep their teeth pearly white. We recommend brushing gently and gradually, for about two minutes a day. When done daily, most dogs start to expect and even enjoy teeth brushing!

We recommend gentle scrubbing when it comes to your furry friend, less is definitely more! Unlike our vigorous teeth brushing techniques, pups require a gentle touch. If your pup isn’t a fan of the toothbrush, start by gently introducing the toothbrush to the outside of their mouth, which will help them get used to the sensation. Dog’s also aren’t a fan of the mouth opening game, so once your pup is comfortable, keep their lips sealed and jaw shut tight while you work your dental magic. 

The Brooklyn's Commitment To Your Dog's Dental Health

So, if you don’t want your pup rocking a toothless grin by the age of three, we recommend taking these dental tips to heart. By treating your pup to regular teeth brushing, vet visits and dental-friendly goodies, their smile will be brighter than ever!

While you’re here, be sure to check out our extra doggy essentials, loved by pet owners worldwide. Our range of premium products are carefully handpicked by experts to keep your pup healthy and happy for the long run.

If you’re concerned about your pup’s dental hygiene, or if they are showing any of the common signs of dental discomfort, we recommend booking a visit to your vet as soon as you can. Additionally, our team is always on hand to help should you need any extra information or advice. Simply give us a call on 09 887 5328 or drop us a message here.